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Celebrating Children's Joy at the Beach

Celebrating Children's Joy at the Beach

Children's Joy should be seen as a special occasion to celebrate the innocence, laughter and boundless energy that little ones bring to our lives. What better way to celebrate than at the beach?

In this blog we will cover the following topics:

At  Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona, an oasis of nature just minutes from Costa Rica's dazzling Pacific beaches, we offer families the opportunity to create indelible memories while the kids immerse themselves in the magic of the beach and unlimited fun.

Fun on the Sand and the Sea

The beach is the perfect setting for children to unleash their creativity and curiosity. Building sand castles, searching for shells and diving into the waves gives them the opportunity to explore a new and exciting world. At  Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona, the proximity to the beach and the safe environment allow children to immerse themselves in these activities while parents can relax and enjoy quiet moments.

Children's Activities

Time set aside to celebrate children's joy would not be complete without water adventures. Pacific beaches are not only ideal for splashing in the water, but also for an exciting variety of activities to suit the whole family. From playing in the sand to observing the flora and fauna of the area. In addition, at  Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona, we offer special children's programs that include pool games and themed activities, designed to give the little ones a unique and fun-filled experience.

A Balanced Day for the Whole Family

After a day full of games and laughter at the beach,  Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona offers a space to relax and recharge around our sister hotel's delicious pool. While the children enjoy supervised activities, parents can relax by the pool. Later, the family can gather at El Cenízaro restaurant to share a memorable dinner and toast to shared happiness.


Let's commemorate together the joy of childhood, and let's make a day at the beach become a magical world of adventure and joy. Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona offers the perfect place to celebrate any special occasion, providing an ideal balance between fun at the beach and relaxing moments in a natural environment. Come join us to create unforgettable memories as we celebrate the wonderful energy of children in Costa Rica's paradise. At  Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona, every Children's Day becomes a day of laughter, discovery and shared love.


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