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In search of happiness?

An idea for Valentine's Day

By making slight changes in life, such as investing more time in self-love and doing activities out of the routine with loved ones, they can bring us a little closer to what everyone longs for, happiness.

In this blog we will address the following topics:

The importance of emotions

That is right, things as simple as getting out of the routine and being available for yourself can contribute to our happiness and that of the other people we love so much.

There are occasions in life where memories make us blossom the most beautiful feelings that we could feel at that moment and that we can feel when we remember, whether it is sadness, nostalgia, joy, anger, fear, or happiness, each emotion is so special that it is necessarily known how to appreciate.

Memories are common elements that can help us improve our mood. Happiness does not mean that we will always be happy, but rather, it could sum up that we must have the ability to understand and learn our feelings. Knowing how to feel them from the heart and understanding what they want to tell us and teach us.

Decisive moments

The decisive moments are those memories that we generate in our life, being affable and important that remain in our memory forever. They leave an indelible mark on our brain.

It is important to know that the brain does not store all the information it receives, it only stores those memories that changed our lives, within other information related to personal or professional aspects, such as routines. It is for this reason that they always repeat to us that we live the moment as if it were the last, and it is important to never forget that life is not eternal.

What we have experienced and what we still must live in contributes to a great extent to how we are, and what we want to do. Memories can drastically change the direction of our lives.

What people remember are those days that define and define their lives: the goals achieved, the moments in which they felt fulfilled, the relationships we forged with the people we love, with the world, and with life itself.

Special moments

Have a picnic on the beach with friends. - The laughter of the children when they visited the beach for the first time. - When couples promise eternal love. - When young people celebrate their graduation in our classrooms. - Birthdays, anniversaries... - And so, we can continue. Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona has been part of the decisive moments of our guests and clients, friends, couples, and families who have wanted to exchange the traditional for the special, the routine for the extraordinary.

People thought that creating moments becomes more difficult as you get older, but is this true? It is possible that we become experts in building unique moments, as special for ourselves as for other people.

These moments will be of different types, depending on our way of being. Introverts who love to read or seek out new information will easily be able to create such moments as they age, while extroverts will need to continue creating physically meaningful moments. But the limits are set by oneself.

Beautiful accidents

You can escape from everyday life at Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona. Habits are good, but often we must forget them and just be spontaneous. If we want to create moments, we must break the script, we must actively shape our lives for the defining moments to come. You must create moments for others... because we remember those who inspire us.

Let us think about the important moments of our lives, many of them may have arisen by accident, randomly or there were circumstances that forced us to do so. The most beautiful thing about memorable memories is their ability to be unexpected, and surprising; even though part of the moment was planned.

Hotel Arenas in the decisive moments

At Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona you can make memories physically: writing them down, taking photos/videos, audio recordings, collecting souvenirs from the trips made... There are many methods to externalize memories, it only implies using a little imagination and heart, to reinforce memory when necessary and reaffirm the importance that moment had for our lives.


Remembering the past makes it easier to understand the future. When we remember a situation, experience, person, or thing, we use examples that help us appreciate where we are and the path we took to go to the future, with lessons learned through experience.

There is no better past tense, the future is yet to be written and we can build it however we want. If you are stuck, lost, and living in memories, you will not be using your five senses to discover what the present has to offer.

Reconnecting with old friends, revisiting beautiful places or keeping boxes of cherished memories are decisions that take time and space, which would be nothing more than sowing seeds in already planted ground. Memories live in the mind, which is always hungry for new stimuli.

Fill your life with sure steps into the future and create pleasant new memories for the years to come.

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