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Hotel Arenas Blogs

Posts about:


Responsible tourism

Responsible tourism

Tourism is an activity that can generate economic and cultural benefits for local communities and for the country that receives tourists. However, when not done responsibly, it can hurt the environment and the society that lives there.

Especially in protected places, beaches, and natural refuges, irresponsible tourism can seriously affect biodiversity, ecosystems, and local cultures. That is why Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona wishes to raise awareness among the people who read this blog and therefore presents some recommendations for responsible tourism and caring for these beautiful places so that future generations can also enjoy them responsibly.

In this blog, we will address the following topics:

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naature and wildlife

Nature and wildlife

Nature and wildlife are essential elements for the planet's and human beings' survival. However, human activity has hurt these fundamental elements of life on Earth. That is why Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona wishes to publicize the great importance of caring for nature and wildlife while describing some measures we can all participate in its conservation.

Know also about the importance of the:

>>Work and life balance<<

In this blog, we will address the following topics:

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An idea for Valentine's Day

In search of happiness?

By making slight changes in life, such as investing more time in self-love and doing activities out of the routine with loved ones, they can bring us a little closer to what everyone longs for, happiness.

In this blog we will address the following topics:

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