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Work and life balance


Nowadays it is possible to explore new destinations while you are working or while you are taking online classes, this being an alternative to being happy and continuing to expand a person's horizons.

In this blog we will address the following topics:


This trend began in the 21st century, being a socioeconomic and labor movement that sought professional freedom with respect to the barriers of geography, routine, and fixed hours, which sought to break hierarchical systems and traditional labor structures.

Start the workday checking emails from bed; after breakfast take a break around the pool sunbathing while you are in a meeting; have a delicious family lunch and at the end of the workday end the day smelling the salt from the sand, hearing the waves break on the shore of the beach and admiring the beautiful sunset. For a few years, this idea has been more tangible, and Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona can be part of that lifestyle that many want but do not know how to start it.


Digital nomads are long-term tourists, who usually travel accompanied by family or friends and have geographic freedom allowing them to enjoy the country while working remotely. Although they travel a lot, living in various places, they are not traditional travelers, since their work always accompanies them.

Being a digital nomad is having the freedom to travel, work or study anywhere in the world. Here, digital tools and technology will become your greatest allies, and the Internet connection is particularly important.

Reasons that lead us to seek balance

It is notable that society's priorities have changed and with it their lifestyle changes over time. Among the most frequent reasons for embracing the nomadic lifestyle are:

Geographical flexibility, you choose your work site, thus breaking the monotony of a traditional job. People who opt for this more adventurous lifestyle can enjoy the freedom of choosing their own environment to conduct their work, each person has their taste: open or closed spaces, in different areas of a beach hotel like Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona like in a room, around the pool, coworking room, cafeteria, restaurant…

Flexible schedules, digital nomads organize their time in the way that works best for them, so that their work and personal lives run smoothly. For example, they rest in the morning and work in the afternoon - night, or they work two or three days a week and then rest the rest of the time.

Liberty, if you have access to the Internet, you are free to decide when, where, and how to work. They do not have to wait for a working holiday to take the trip they want or wait for the weekend to spend time with family... Digital nomads own their time; they do not have to stick to working hours. work, clothes, or the dreaded daily commutes, where much of our precious time is wasted.

Trips, you can carry your work in your backpack and do it from anywhere in the world, if you have internet access. Work does not take you to travel, you organize the trips yourself.

Always stay motivated: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” Confucius.

Having an adventurous life every day can be different.

You can work with little and do a lot. In general, you need a laptop, a headset, and a good internet connection.

Personal and professional development, traveling and enjoying diverse cultures, learning, and expanding horizons is a real advantage for a person's development.

"To be irreplaceable, one must always seek to be different." (Coco Chanel)

The solution to major problems was the result of not thinking about the problem itself.

"If you think you can, you're already halfway there." (Theodore Roosevelt)

Adaptation of society

In recent years, special visas and residence permits have begun to appear specifically for digital nomads, foreigners who want to live for a while in a country other than their country of origin or permanent residence.

Dozens of countries already offer these services, and although the requirements vary from country to country, they all offer digital nomads a residence period of 6 months to 1 year, some even longer, very favorable tax regimes, and even tax-free countries. At Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona you will find all the facilities to carry out your work while enjoying the fresh air and the beach.


There are many types of work that can be adapted to the new work styles, such as telecommuting, teamwork or dependent work, among others.

A crucial point in any job is good communication with colleagues, bosses, suppliers, or customers. Effective communication avoids conflicts and misunderstandings.

Communication is the key to create cooperation and fluidity in interpersonal relationships, increasing productivity and efficiency in the execution of tasks; and creating a pleasant work environment in a healthy way.


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