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Beach Benefits

The daily routine, our work, our studies, our homework; The list could never end. This is what we live every day without giving ourselves our space to find out what can best benefit our body and mind without realizing that the solution has always been on the beach.

In this blog we will cover the following topics: 

Necessary breaks

Always living in automatic mode routine after routine without taking a few minutes to think that it can be physically and mentally beneficial to continue.

Don't know where to start? At Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona you can enjoy completely comfortable and adapted facilities surrounded by exuberant nature, fresh air, activities where you can distract yourself from the routine; so that you can start with that pause that we all always need, this being the best starting point.

Arena Benefits

There are many compounds on the beach that can provide us with benefits, we can talk about the sand that serves as an exfoliant, promoting the elimination of dead skin cells, reduces the aging of our skin and gives it more luminosity; We can find that this not only contributes to us physically but also mentally, since walking on the sand produces a therapeutic sensation for our mental health. Luckily, the Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona is only 350 meters from the beach so you can walk the beach feeling the sand on your skin and give your body that little therapeutic getaway that is so important to offer.

Benefits of sea water

Surely you have already heard about some benefits of going to the beach, about how much fun and relaxation it can bring us; however, we must highlight seawater, this wonderful seawater with its immense proportions of salt helps us to:

  • Activate our five senses
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Smoother, firmer skin
  • Strengthens joints and bones
  • Helps heal the skin
  • Relaxes the brain and facilitates concentration
  • Train the heart


Hotel Arenas en Punta Leona,


Nature by itself provides us with multiple benefits that help us with our skin, our heart, our body in general, with the break we need, therapeutic benefits, etc... at Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona we are the perfect link, providing that closeness with nature, with the beach, the sea water so that none of these benefits are lost.

It is also essential that you know about unforgettable weddings at Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona:



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