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Gastronomic tourism


Gastronomy is a resource that is part of the cultural, social, environmental, and economic history of regions and communities.


Who is a gastronomic tourist?

Food tourism is a form of tourism that demonstrates interest in the types of food and culinary culture of a region or country visited. Tourists are mainly motivated by knowing and experiencing how certain dishes are prepared, discovering new flavors, and understanding the factors surrounding them, cultural, natural, social, etc.

General objective

This type of tourism aims to learn about the representative food of a particular area or place; For this reason, various gastronomic routes have been created worldwide.

Through gastronomic tourism, we can recover and publicize the origins and history of the cultures of humanity, their various diets, and preparations. That is why, today, we can learn about Japanese, Thai, Italian cuisine, Argentinian barbecue, Indian cuisine, and many more.

Hotel Arenas and the food

Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona takes all these details into account; for this reason, it offers its visitors a wide variety of dishes native to the area and dishes of international recognition.

Gastronomy tourism trends

Some of the trends that motivate gastronomic tourists are usually:

  • Search for specific local or regional products.
  • Find exotic or lesser-known dishes and flavors.
  • Understand a certain culture through its cuisine.
  • Learn about local crops and the handling of certain foods.
  • Find quality products with characteristics of origin, geographical indication, or Own Brand.
  • The search for traditional cuisine but with innovation.
  • Search for multiculturalism and development.

Modernity in preparation

Gastronomy can reveal ways of life in different areas, rooting modernity in urban environments and rural traditions. Possible the elementary integration of the cultural, social, and historical patrimony with the modernity of the civilizations.

The innovative presentation of local and regional gastronomic products improves the quality of the service so that tourism management provides added value, enhancing the competitiveness of tourism services compared to other tourism products of another type.

For this reason, the Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona wants to make its menu known, which brings together various typical dishes of our beautiful Costa Rica as dishes of international recognition, but presented elegantly and differently, which will first captivate the eyes of diners and then fascinate the palate with its mixture of flavors.

Delights of the Arenas Hotel

Some of the exquisite delicacies that will be offered by Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona are:

  • Native cuisine
    • Costa Rican ceviche, made with sea bass, natural scents, and a delicious addition of mango.
    • Pura Vida Salad; made with fresh products, smoked cheese, and an exquisite dressing.
  • International Kitchen
    • Caesar salad; the traditional Caesar salad presented best at Hotel Arenas.
    • New York Steak meat with prime marinade and slowly cooked in the oven, at the end desired by the diner.


The importance of gastronomic tourism is unique since it is one of the best ways to get to know a destination by exploring different attractions that lead to ways of eating, history, traditions, customs, rituals, and flavors.

We can find Costa Rica adventures in the most unexpected places, from a street cart, the market, or a top-quality restaurant like the Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona...

Culinary artists express themselves through food; people show us their way of life and the ancient traditions that sustain the entire universe around food.


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