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Hotel Arenas Blogs

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Wildlife: Responsible Observation and Unforgettable Encounters


Among the exuberance of the tropical flora of the Garabito area, Puntarenas, near the Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona, wildlife is abundant and diverse. From marmosets, sloths, colorful birds, and fascinating reptiles, this area is a true paradise for nature lovers. However, it is important to remember that, as wildlife observers, we must ensure that our actions do not negatively affect the natural development of local flora and fauna.

In this text, we will explore some key tips to observe wildlife responsibly and enjoy unforgettable encounters in the surroundings of Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona.

In this blog, we will address the following topics:

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naature and wildlife

Nature and wildlife

Nature and wildlife are essential elements for the planet's and human beings' survival. However, human activity has hurt these fundamental elements of life on Earth. That is why Hotel Arenas in Punta Leona wishes to publicize the great importance of caring for nature and wildlife while describing some measures we can all participate in its conservation.

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>>Work and life balance<<

In this blog, we will address the following topics:

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